
Fuel Storage

At BeGloss Group, we recognize the critical importance of secure and reliable storage solutions for fuel products such as diesel and jet fuel. That's why we actively facilitate the acquisition of Tank Storage Agreements (TSA) from renowned tank storage operators. Through strategic partnerships with these solution providers, we ensure our clients have access to top-tier storage facilities equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and adhering to stringent safety and regulatory standards.

By securing TSA agreements with trusted storage operators, we offer our clients peace of mind, knowing that their fuel products are stored in facilities renowned for their reliability, security, and operational excellence. Our commitment to facilitating seamless storage solutions underscores our dedication to providing comprehensive energy services that meet the evolving needs of our clients and the industry.

Tank terminals are facilities where petroleum products, chemicals, gases and other liquid products – i.e. liquid or gaseous substances – can be stored and handled. Tank terminals consist of a number of individual tanks, usually onshore. The main ports where you can find tank terminals for oil and gas products are :

The Port of Rotterdam is the largest seaport in Europe, located in the city of Rotterdam in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands. From 1962 until 2004 it was the world's busiest port because the most significant FOB (Freight On Board) sale operations take place in this port. FERM has issued a storage spoofing warning on its website; this relates to the sale of non-existent storage capacity and stocks of raw materials and materials at terminals in the Rotterdam port area. This is an internet scam. Storage spoofing appears to be on the increase during the coronavirus crisis. Losses can amount to hundreds of thousands of euros and FERM receives new notifications every week.

FERM also states on its website: The target groups for these fraudulent activities are first and foremost national and international companies that have or are seeking storage in the port area. These activities also concern all potential buyers of trade from port area terminals, trade that is offered under false pretences but in practice proves not to exist. Even companies that have their own storage terminals in the port area are potential victims of this kind of fraud, as their names and networks are misused by cyber criminals.

Many reputed tank terminals operators (e.g. Vopak, Vtti, Vitol, Oiltanking, Hes Terminals, LBC Terminals, Koole, Rubis, evos, etc.) have published similar warning messages in their websites. Scammers misuse the name of these companies and send forged emails to victims asking them to pay a considerable amount of money as tanks leasing fees, these scammers are usually the same ones who offered petroleum products to the victims:

As stated above, The TSA (Tank Storage Agreement) should be issued from a trusted tank storage operator, because the documents will be verified with the competent authorities. Therefore be aware of Tank storage spoofing.

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